Welcome to KM Streamers OFFICIAL site

Hello, we are a group of international KissMes who are trying to help UKISS win #1 in Korean music shows. Winning #1 is not a piece of cake and may require time. We are aware very well of that and have prepared ourselves to stream hard and do everything we can until the day UKISS wins.
UKISS has been working so hard for us KissMes and now it's time to work hard back for them.

You can read more about us here
Or join our forum/Google Group here

Older posts during Stop Girl promtion can be found here
Should you have any questions, feel free to send us emails.

NOTE: during time when UKISS does not promote in Korea, we retreat to preparation for their next comebacks and thus do not update our official site. But we are still active on twitter, tumblr, and Facebook. Hope to see you there :)

Friday, September 28, 2012

KissMes, we have some Facebook accounts for you to stream :)

Those who have problems creating Facebook accounts to stream on Bugs, feel free to go to THIS LIST and kidnap one/some Facebook accounts and continue streaming.
We don’t let such matter prevent us streaming for UKISS, do we?


  1. If bugs wants me to pay, does it mean the account is expired ?

    1. yes, it is :( you will need new Facebook accounts to stream on Bugs then.

  2. when will the voting on bugs close?

    1. voting period for this week closed yesterday Sep 29th.

  3. if i reduced the volume of the song playing on playlist on bugs!!
    will it reduce the points of streaming???
    can you plz tell me!!!

    1. no it won't. As long as you don't mute Bugs player, it's fine. (You can reduce the volume down to 2-4% and it's almost silent)

  4. plz can you tell me fast!!!??
    my a/cs time was getting to over...it was showing 00:00 i closed it and when i started it again it was showing 23:56!!^^
    and its still showing the that i will be able to stream more(24 hrs!!!
    is it safe to stream?? will it count!!!
    plz tell fast!!

    1. Bugs does have errors sometimes, so, to be safe, please use another Facebook account.

    2. but the a/c that i/m using now(mentioned) according to me looks fine to stream><!!
      so...still can i use that?

    3. it looks fine, but we can't be sure if Bugs still counts it. We encountered this problem before and what we did it to change to a new Facebook account, to make sure the streaming will be counted.

    4. ok!!
      thank you for helping me out!!

  5. is it necessary that we'll have to stream in one hour only??
    is it okey if i log in bugs 15-20 mins before/later??
    will it count??

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. We believe that streaming anytime within an hour (ex. 1:01-1:59) is okay. It doesn't really matter if it's been exactly 1 hour since you last streamed. Or else it would be pretty difficult charting for Bugs.
