Welcome to KM Streamers OFFICIAL site

Hello, we are a group of international KissMes who are trying to help UKISS win #1 in Korean music shows. Winning #1 is not a piece of cake and may require time. We are aware very well of that and have prepared ourselves to stream hard and do everything we can until the day UKISS wins.
UKISS has been working so hard for us KissMes and now it's time to work hard back for them.

You can read more about us here
Or join our forum/Google Group here

Older posts during Stop Girl promtion can be found here
Should you have any questions, feel free to send us emails.

NOTE: during time when UKISS does not promote in Korea, we retreat to preparation for their next comebacks and thus do not update our official site. But we are still active on twitter, tumblr, and Facebook. Hope to see you there :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

March 7th is drawing near. Are you ready, KissMes?

it's announced that UKISS would make a comeback in Korea on March 7th, 2013. It was such a surprising news for all of us, but less time to prepare doesn't necessarily mean we will not be prepared for it, right?
This time UKISS will release a full album and it marks AJ's union with the group after 6 months studying. We all want to make this comeback memorable for UKISS don't we?

We hope each one of you will be ready to stream as soon as the title song is out. STREAMING IS VITAL TO RANKING ON MUSIC CHARTS.
1 stream = 1 digital songs (which costs 1.29usd on Soribada) = 1 point
Streaming on Bugs (bugs.co.kr) is free but you'll need to practice a bit to get used to it. 

Tutorials can be found on our site or on FYUK's
(Spanish tutorials are here)
The tutorials are easy to follow, and we're here to help you. Don't hesitate to ask. 

So please, KissMes, get yourselves ready before March 7th.
UKISS needs you!

If you follow the tutorials carefully but still can't get on Bugs from Facebook (due to proxy server error), it's likely that there are bugs on your operating systems. In that case, you can either:
_ clean up your computer and tweak Windows/MacOS/whatever
_ OR contact us and we'll try to get you something like a streaming account.

Many thanks to FYUK and U-kiss Spain for the tutorials :) 
Please do take proper credits if you cite tutorials from their sites!

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