Welcome to KM Streamers OFFICIAL site

Hello, we are a group of international KissMes who are trying to help UKISS win #1 in Korean music shows. Winning #1 is not a piece of cake and may require time. We are aware very well of that and have prepared ourselves to stream hard and do everything we can until the day UKISS wins.
UKISS has been working so hard for us KissMes and now it's time to work hard back for them.

You can read more about us here
Or join our forum/Google Group here

Older posts during Stop Girl promtion can be found here
Should you have any questions, feel free to send us emails.

NOTE: during time when UKISS does not promote in Korea, we retreat to preparation for their next comebacks and thus do not update our official site. But we are still active on twitter, tumblr, and Facebook. Hope to see you there :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012


KM Streamers' members, your registration to join KM Streamers' action plan for UKISS comeback should be sent to KM Streamers group ONLY (email to km-streamers-admin@googlegroups.com or submit at km-streamers.tumblr.com)

There are other KissMe groups referring to KM Streamers' plan, but they are independent groups and have NO relation with KM Streamers.

Please pay attention and send your information to KM Streamers if you decide to join KM Streamers.
Thank you m(_o_)m

To other groups that refer to our plan:
we're happy if our plan can be of help to you to organize KissMes to help UKISS. Seeing UKISS win is what all of us KissMes want to see.
But please make clear that you are different groups to avoid the confusion.

Thank you very much.
KM Streamers Admin


  1. Hi, I'm Numi! How can I join to KM Streamer?

    1. Hi Numi,
      sorry for late reply, but you found out how, right? Because we saw you in the group already :)
      But anyway, here is KM Streamers Group, again :) https://groups.google.com/d/forum/km-streamers
